Twitter is more than just a home for 140-character overshares and hilarious parody accounts.
The microblogging platform has become a hub for monitoring breaking news and crowdsourcing ideas, and has even made history now and then. As Twitter continues to expand internationally, users have invented new tools and tricks to ramp up the experience.
From making mini literary masterpieces to managing your diet, these eight unconventional uses for Twitter will surely get your creative juices flowing — or at least remind you to buy bread on the way home.
1. Read (and Write) Stories
Anybody who tweets knows that making a compelling sentence out of 140 characters can be incredibly difficult. Now try adding in a solid beginning, middle and end.
A number of Twitter accounts have taken up the challenge with great success. @VeryShortStory tweets humorous micro-fiction in 140 characters or less. A recent tweet: "Today is special. Getting out of jail. I will not go see Donna. I will not see what shoes she's wearing. Too much trouble to dig her up."
In 2012, A Visit From the Goon Squad author Jennifer Egan posted a short story called "Black Box" on The New Yorker's fiction Twitter feed (@NYerFiction), breaking the story down into a series of tweets which were later published in the magazine. @GoodCaptain likewise created a novel out of serialized tweets.
If poetry is more your thing, check out "The Longest Poem in the World", an epic poem composed of rhyming real-time tweets.
2. Water Your Plants
Botanicalls originally allowed your house plants to call your cellphone when they were thirsty. But like you, those plants have moved on to social media. With a Botanicalls Kit, an ethernet connection and a bit of patience, you can set up an electronic sensor for your plants; it will automatically send you a Twitter message when your plant needs to be watered. You'll even get a thank you note when you complete the task. Pothos, a plant that tweets with Botanicalls, has amassed 4,000 followers.

3. Play a Game
There are quite a few ways to turn Twitter into an interactive game. In 2010, BuzzFeed founder Jonah Peretti (@peretti) created a short Choose Your Adventure game for Twitter using Bitly shortlinks. @Artwiculate is a vocabulary game that gives you a word of the day and challenges you to use it in a tweet. The person whose tweet gets the most likes and retweets wins. There are real-time Twitter games for chess and Mad Libs, too.
4. Set an Alarm
Remember the Milk is a reminder app that functions across multiple digital platforms, from smartphones to tablets to Twitter. Send instructions to the app via a Twitter DM (after following the app's Twitter account, @rtm), and Remember the Milk will add the task to your account. You can also change your preferences and view specific to-do tasks using Direct Message commands.
5. Get Recipes
Gourmet recipes in 140 characters? It can be done. @Cookbook, by Maureen Evans (@Maureen), posts bite-size recipes for dishes that range from omelets to souffle to tiramisu. They're highly abbreviated, of course. Here's a recent tweet: "Grapefruit Soup: Mexico. Peel4fruit; boil+h2o to cvr/T ging/¼t cinn&rdpep&salt/2clove. Cvr,simmr15m until fallen apart; +honey&lem to taste."
For simpler fare, check out @TinyRecipes, or @Mixologist for quick and delicious cocktails
6. Lose Weight
Create a digital diet diary with Tweet What You Eat. The idea behind the site is simple: You'll make better choices about what you eat if you're publicly tweeting every bite. Even without the app, studies have shown that tweeting as part of a diet program can help you trim down and tone up.
Unfortunately, sharing every meal means your followers will know what's passing through your digestive system at any given moment

7. Say a Prayer
Alon Nir of Tweet Your Prayers (@TheKotel) delivers 140-character prayers to the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The Western Wall, or Kotel, is considered one of the most sacred religious sites in Judaism. In 2009, Nir began printing prayers that he received via Direct Message on Twitter and sticking them into the Western Wall on behalf of those who couldn't travel to Israel.
There's a Tweet Your Prayers iPhone app as well.
8. Get Your Pet to Tweet
Man's best friend can join the conversation fun with Puppy Tweets, an electronic tracker that posts live updates about your pet to Twitter. A tag on your dog's collar senses motion activity and sends a signal to a USB receiver attached to your computer. The receiver then shares one of 500 preset tweets to your puppy's Twitter account. For example: "Had a wonderful dream about you. You were bringing me snacks!"
Do you have any creative hacks for Twitter? Share them in the comments
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