Monday, 14 October 2013

Tinker When You Don't Know Where To Begin
11:31 0 comments

Image :  Dainis

We’ve previously noted that getting started is everything, but that only works if you have a place to start. Sometimes, you’ve formulated a plan, but many projects seem enormous and intimidating with no obvious place to begin. That’s when you need to tinker.

Thoughts and ideas blog the 99u explains why:

  • A funny thing often happens when you “just” start setting up and tinkering: you forget about the big, intimidating picture, and start taking small actions that will actually more the project forward. You begin by tweaking and tinkering, and before long, your imagination sparks into life and you’re happily absorbed in the work. You’ve started in earnest without even noticing it.
  • As the oft-quoted Chinese proverb says, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The idea of walking a thousand miles is instantly exhausting – but it’s also a distortion of reality. Because no one ever had to walk a thousand miles instantaneously. All you ever have to do in the moment is take just one step, and before long you find you’ve got into your stride and you’re enjoying walking and looking at all the interesting sights and people you encounter along the way.
  • How to start without really starting? Originally got the idea from Mark Forster’s book Do It Tomorrow, in which he suggests tricking your mind by telling yourself : I’m not really going to [the task] right now, but I’ll just do [it’s first step].

When you don’t know where to start, just tinker. Do something related to what you want to accomplish. You may not make a lot of progress in the project itself, but you’ll find something you love about the work and start to illuminate the path towards accomplishment.

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